

Sunday, January 25

5 Ways to Maximise your Bath Time

If you're like me bath time is a spontaneous occasion. I'll do a bath after a cold, hard football game, or to warm up after a long days play out in the rain. I only bath to wash if the showers broken.. but having a bath is great way to fit in a little me-time and a great opportunity for some at-home beauty therapy!

Try some if these tips and turn your tub into a mini-spa this evening!

1. Add sea salt to your Bath.

Salt water is magical stuff. It draws impurities from the skin and cleans and heals any hurts you might have. It's a natural exfoliater and can also ease the symptoms you get from a food cleanse such as headaches and achey muscles. I like the way it makes my hair feel too, like I've been away on holiday. Just sprinkle in a handful or so of the stuff and it almost as therapeutic as a swim in the sea...almost!

2.  Slap on your favourite moisturizer.

After cleansing and toning, slather on a bit of extra moisturizer before you slide into the bath. The steam and warm water will open up the pores and your skin will be extra receptive to the benefits of moisturizing. Give your face a nice little massage in upwards strokes and you've got yourself an at home facial! Just wipe off any extra product left on top of the skin before you hop out; if there is any! My face usually sucks it all up before I get out anyway.

3. Shave!

This seems obvious but warm water opens up hair follicles and allows for a much closer shave. Dip the head of the razor under running water between strokes to keep the blades sharp. Shaving also doubles up as a exfoliater so you'll end up with super soft pins post-bath; be sure to moisturize we'll with a rich body butter or similar afterwards.

4. Try a hair mask.

Especially good if you're just hanging out with a glass of vino or reading a book on your Kindle (in my opinion!). Again the warm water opens up the follicles so your hair can soak up all the goodness of a mask. Be generous when applying and make sure you massage it into the roots for a couple of minutes before using a wide toothed comb to comb it through to the ends. You can use a store bought one, I like the Herbal Essence range purely for the smell, or you can very easily make one at home with just a few ingredients that work just as well minus any chemical nasties. I'm going to test a couple homemade ones out next week for you guys so more on that later! If you don't have either just use a double helping of your everyday conditioner and you'll still get a very good result!

5.) Use a muslin cloth.

This probably sounds really weird to most mothers as we're used to mopping up sick and dribble with these magical cloths, but they make an extremely good exfoliating wipe. Try with a cleansing oil or cream and gently rub in little circles all round the face, neck and decollete, avoiding the delicate eye area. I like them for smoothing rough skin around the ankles and knees too; if you give these babies some attention now you'll be good to go come summer! You mums will already have these great little bits of fabric but everyone else can easily pick them up in Boots or Tesco or pretty much anywhere that sells baby goods.

Always moisturize after a bath, especially your arms and legs as they produce the least amount of softening natural oils on the body, and will age the fastest (after your hands!).

So there we have it, just a few little things you can do to turn your bath time into spa time and really amp up your beauty routine!

What are some of your favourite bathtime treats? Are you a Lush fizzy bomber or a serial soaker? Comment here or on facebook.com/StyleSurround! Thanks! xx

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