

Monday, September 1

A word on bodies.

I was having a conversation about body types with a colleague (she always inspires me to write) and thought it would make a good discussion for StyleSurround.

So bodies! Do you know what sort yours is? I'm a pear shape, as my bottom and thighs are bigger in proportion to my top half. I am often a UK size 8 on top and a size 10 or 12 on the bottom. Now this doesn't always dictate what I wear. For example I don't LIVE in A-line skirts because Trinny and Susannah would tell me too. I quite like my curves, and against the rules I like figure hugging styles on top and bottom.

The basic rules are meant to be swayed a bit, dependent on how much of a shape you are. I'm a moderate pear shape but others might be an extreme pear shape and then one might recommend steering clear of too tight styles. But then there's Kim Kardashian- technically, completely and utterly against the rules, but she always looks hot in figure fit gear. She's got a great ass and rack so why shouldn't she work it? I think a bit of figure-love is definitely in order there. She usually rocks bodycon better than floaty styles anyway. Kim is an hourglass, in case you were wondering or couldn't guess.

So stand back in the mirror either naked or in yer pants, and get the other half or your bff to draw an outline of your body in lipstick (or that eyebrow pencil you bought that really is completely the wrong shade for your face) from under your arms by your bust all the way down to your knees. Both sides. Once finished inspect your body outline. Weigh up the top to the bottom. Is the upper or the lower half a little or a lot wider than the other? Is there very little size difference from top to bottom save the waist? Do you have a waist?

These Q's will help give you hints as to what body shape you are. Chances are you already have an idea of your body type and what styles suit you or that you at least feel comfortable in. Although sometimes comfort alone isn't the answer. Unless you're a duvet. You don't want to be a duvet, do you?

Whatever your shape, try to love what you got 'cuz you can't change it! Remember that even supermodels have body types and they dress to their strengths. Yes coltish long limbs a pert bust and bottom and a definite lack of bingo wing-age helps them look awesome in almost anything but it's not all about them now is it?

Let me see your outlines!! I dare you....

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