

Saturday, August 16

Life, Rules, Fashion.

In life, we all have certain rules that we follow. Life rules, if you will, that are specific to each and every one of us and usually come from our upbringing and familial influences. Things like saying "Excuse me from the table" after finishing a meal but before we leave it, or washing our hands after using the restroom, or, you know, only leaving a tip if the food and service were actually really good.

Fashion works in much the same way. Most of us abide by some sort of "fashion rules" but, surprisingly, these rules are not the same for all of us. Things like hem lengths with regards to age and which colours one can wear are all rules we each have embedded deep within our style cells and each rule, however different from our counterpart's, are followed with sincere conviction. Opinions so strong, it's enough to start a fashion civil war (cue skirt flinging and stiletto dodging).

I, for example, refuse to wear tights or pantyhose after mid-May. In this case my reasoning is that it is never (well, almost never) cold enough in the UK to require tights or pantyhose after this point in the year and they then seem like an awkward accessory until at least September. Sometimes, if we're blessed with a long and luscious Indian summer, I won't even get them out until October. This, however, does not mean that I (always) judge others on their choices via fashion, it simply means that I follow this certain rule for myself.

Working in retail one hears so many varied and conflicting "rules" it gets hard to discern between the useful insights and the rubbish ones after awhile. A lady recently said to me upon trying a knee-baring dress: "The French don't show their knees, the Italians don't; why are the English so bent on showing their knees?" Uh, love, have you not seen Anna Della Russo, or maybe Donatella Versace? Neither of these two style icons are that abject to showing her knees. Both Italian. Can't think of any French examples at the moment, but two strong Italians get my point across. Yeah, be careful what you say to the shop assistant- it might just end up on a style blog somewhere.

In any case I am prepared to give a bit of perspective on the subject.

1. Try not to project your "rules" onto your friends/family/colleagues/clients. That thing that you'd never do? Probably looks pretty darn hot on your bestie, so don't make her feel bad for her choices.

2. Don't get your colours done. Or, if you do, use them as a guide rather than a bible. The little fabric swatches are all made of the same kind of material so you're never going to find an exact "match" to the colours in that stupid little book unless someone makes a dress out of the same material. Which they never will, because its crap. (Not judging).

3. Dress for your own body. If you don't know what type of body shape you have, go get naked in front of a mirror (yes, naked), take a selfie and have a good ol' look at it. Decide what kind of shape you are (pear, hourglass, wedge etc), and learn how to dress yourself to the best advantage. (More on this later.)

4. Take inspiration from others (ie: Pinterest) but don't compare yourself to anyone else. There's just no point. No two people look the same in one outfit, not even supermodels. So just don't do it.

5. Wear what you like. Keep your ass and titties under control (unless you're on the beach in Brazil) but other than that, have a good time workin' it!

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